It is impossible for a man
to learn what he thinks he already knows
At work, we usually operate in groups. Most of the time these are effective in providing a stimulating, harmonious and fun environment in which we all learn, develop and deliver. Sometimes, they are not.
The reasons for this can include individuals with unclear goals, different agendas, personality clashes between people, over or under inflated egos, political manoeuvring and inappropriate or no leadership. It can also be down to deadlines, demands and also personal challenges that spill over into the workplace.

This leads to us individually, or collectively, feeling stressed, trapped, hopeless, undermined, intimidated and at worst being bullied. To cope, we may become demotivated, express anger, withdraw, turn to over/under eating, resort to excessive alcohol consumption or perhaps recreational drugs. These are not the best way to manage our feelings within a group and can lead to unhappiness and business impacts.
An example could be working in a department with a highly demanding person. That may lead you, or several people, to feel anxious, depressed, angry, or hurt. It could be fear of failure, negative judgement, lack of control or consequences that makes you feel that way. Changing your beliefs, and using Mindfulness, can help manage your feelings in a way that improves the situation for yourself and the group.

Psychotherapy for groups identifies the psychological impacts at an individual level by understanding people’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This builds deep insight into why the group is not working at its best. An action plan is then developed, agreed and progressed to improve the way the group works together. Benefits are a happier group, more harmony, creativity, problem solving and ultimately productivity.
If you are an HR specialist, department head, team leader, or someone in a team who is experiencing all this, please get in touch. We can make groups work better.